Dining, Restaurant
📷 Kon Artisan

Kon Artisan Ice Cream


Indulge in a sweet treat at KōN Artisan Ice Cream, southeast Saskatchewan’s top destination for handcrafted, small-batch ice cream, nestled in the heart of downtown Estevan. This delightful ice cream haven embraces the old-fashioned way of making ice cream, using cream, milk, and top-notch ingredients to create their scrumptious flavors.

Step into KōN Artisan Ice Cream and enjoy a nostalgic taste of the past, as they carry on the legacy of small-town creameries from yesteryear. Don’t miss this chance to treat yourself and experience the love and care that goes into every scoop!


1212 4 St, Estevan, SK S4A 0W9
Latitude: 49.1404021
Longitude: -102.9959383
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